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My name is Alaa Al_Hajj, I am from the Palestinian refugees , i have finished my study of B.S mathematics and i work as a math teacher in a private school and completing teaching diploma.
I play football in the Lebanese league in many teams

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Air Pollution

             Air Pollution

Household air pollution from solid fuels caused one in ten deaths in 2016, claiming more than 8,200 lives.  
The health effects caused by cooking with solid fuels include ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease (stroke), lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Very few households have adopted improved Cook stoves which are more efficient and cleaner burning. LPG has the lowest rate of use in the Americas. 
Biomass fuels are expensive, reflecting the scarcity of forested land. A kilogram of charcoal costs nearly fifty US cents. Thus a household can spend up to a dollar on charcoal per day, in a nation where the World Bank estimates more than half the population lived on less than US$1 a day as recently as 2012.

Description of Problem 

Household air pollution from solid fuels is the fourth-most serious risk factor in Haiti for death and disability, after child and maternal malnutrition, unsafe sex, and high blood pressure. It caused one in ten deaths in 2016, claiming more than 8,200 lives.  
Health effects include ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease (stroke), lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among adult women and men, and acute lower respiratory infections among children under five years of age and adult women and men. 
The vast majority of Haiti -- 94% of the population – cooks with solid fuels, evenly split between wood and charcoal.  Nearly half the population cooks outdoors, more than 1/3rd in a separate building, and 15% in the house.  Almost all households using solid fuels cook over an open fire or an open stove.  
Very few households have adopted improved cookstoves which are more efficient and cleaner burning. LPG has the lowest rate of use in the Americas. 
Biomass fuels are expensive, reflecting the scarcity of forested land. A kilogram of charcoal costs nearly fifty US cents. Thus a household can spend up to a dollar on charcoal per day, in a nation where the World Bank estimates more than half the population lived on less than US$1 a day as recently as 2012


  • Improved wood stoves: targeting the 48% of the population using wood as primary cooking fuel
  • Improved charcoal stoves: targeting the 46% of households using charcoal as primary cooking fuel
  • LPG stoves
  • Ethanol stoves


  1. Air pollution is a major problem in Lebanon.This is due to the absence of government which does not protect nature or the inhabitants.And do not forget the absence of laws to hunt birds and the indiscriminate cutting of trees.

  2. Yeah indeed. It is very obvious that air pollution had affected our environment so badly. Many diseases had derived from there unfortunately. We are all accountable for that and must take into consideration different issues to be avoided. As teachers, it is so essential to shed light on such serious topics and guide students to the right actions and behaviors, making them feel responsible toward their environment to protect it as much as possible.

  3. It's a very dangerous problem that threatens our lives ,that should be resolved seriously .

  4. It's a very serious and harmful problem that threatens the world and mankind in many aspects,Hands together forward to minimize the causes towards a healthy planet.

  5. Lebanon is in the lead on the list of the countries that have the highest rate of pollution!! This problem needs a solution quickly because our health is at risk.

  6. unfortunately humans aren`t aware of the seriousness of this problem!though you suggested worthy solutions that would minimize the recent problem if we acknowledge them and start applying them efficiently.



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