Smile you are in my blog :)

My name is Alaa Al_Hajj, I am from the Palestinian refugees , i have finished my study of B.S mathematics and i work as a math teacher in a private school and completing teaching diploma.
I play football in the Lebanese league in many teams

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

I think that is not an easy course to me due to not using the computer a lot in my daily life and in my major " mathematics " so if you please i need some care


  1. practice is always the key teacher Alaa, give the course more time and you'll be OK :)

  2. There is nothing difficult and all what you need is practice. Technology enhances your relationship with your students ,society, and the environment.

  3. let us think in a simple example in mathematics, as you know that the students are facing a difficulty when making a derivative in function for the first time or second time or maybe for 10 times and then by help and practice they can do the derivative fluently, so everything in this world whatever it is, needs practice for more than one times and really you will a professional in it.



fractions "The question on the mind of many students, and I might add parents, is why do I need fractions anyway? Is it really that...