Smile you are in my blog :)

My name is Alaa Al_Hajj, I am from the Palestinian refugees , i have finished my study of B.S mathematics and i work as a math teacher in a private school and completing teaching diploma.
I play football in the Lebanese league in many teams

Monday, March 26, 2018

Global warming

Global warming is a term used for the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system and its related effects.

 Scientists are more than 95% certain that nearly all of global warming is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and other   human caused emissions

Our atmosphere is getting hotter, more turbulent, and more unpredictable because of the “boiling and churning” effect caused by the heat-trapping greenhouse gases within the upper layers of our atmosphere. With each increase of carbon, methane, or other greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere, our local weather and global climate is further agitated, heated, and “boiled.”

Global warming is gauged by the increase in the average global temperature of the Earth. Along with our currently increasing average global temperature, some parts of the Earth may actually get colder while other parts get warmer hence the idea of average global temperature. Greenhouse gas-caused atmospheric heating and agitation also increase the unpredictability of the weather and climate, and dramatically increase the severity, scale, and frequency of storms, droughts, wildfires, and extreme temperatures


  1. We start teaching about air pollution from lower grades till Bac II and now even the governmental exams are putting a large emphasis on this subject. We must take hand in hand and try every single mean to reduce this aspect since the world is really suffering and global warming is becoming a threatening issue.

  2. This is one of the most interesting topics I have ever taught! I enjoy teaching it and feel worried at the same time since global warming hazards are enormous. It is recommended to have learners think of the problem as a serious one that needs urgent solutions to save the Earth. As Eva mentioned, this is a topic that is required to be taught in lower grades since they have to be aware and they need to think of possible solutions.



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