Smile you are in my blog :)

My name is Alaa Al_Hajj, I am from the Palestinian refugees , i have finished my study of B.S mathematics and i work as a math teacher in a private school and completing teaching diploma.
I play football in the Lebanese league in many teams

reflection of education technology course

Image result for google drive
There are many benefits for google drive such as it allows us to share and collaborate files
Google Drive is a file storage  developed by google.  Google Drive allows users to store files on their servers and share files. Google Drive has a website that allows users to see their files from any Internet-connected computer, without the need to download an app

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Google Forms IS AN EASY WAY to collect data from the web with a simple UI and powerful editor

also google used in teaching such as assessments and preparing sheets to lesson planning also it is used in data collection as it is a place for store information so it helps in organize information

Image result for webinar    

A webinar is  video conference that uses the internet to connect the individual hosting the webinar to an audience–the viewers and listeners of the webinar from all over the world. it try to make our world as a small village also it returns on us with many benefits in teaching and in all majors you want 

Image result for blogs  

A blog  is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries ("posts"). ... Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog, it is the same or lookalike the Facebook but it is more private with more application that can help is in our daily life and in our domains

We can use padlet to Make beautiful boards, documents, and web pages that are easy to read and fun to contribute to.

Posters have the ability to stick in viewers' minds and can be a great tool for small- to medium-sized businesses to use to increase brand awareness. Posters are cheaper than common forms of advertising such as print, radio and television. also it is an easy way to reach the minds of people in short time

It is a tool that have many advantages by using it especially in teaching for testing the success of understanding the students about an idea so it helps the teachers reach their objectives

  WEBQUEST this way of lessons cannot work without internet search, so this webquest have many links that is related to specific lessons which provides the students by information that help them finding what they need ,so also working on this webquest by the students keep them in contact with what happens so it make the students as a small group by sharing them the same information


  1. True! Say Bye to USBs and CDs and Hi to Google Drive. :)

  2. It's really important to learn google apps where it facilitate our life and saves our time.



fractions "The question on the mind of many students, and I might add parents, is why do I need fractions anyway? Is it really that...