Smile you are in my blog :)

My name is Alaa Al_Hajj, I am from the Palestinian refugees , i have finished my study of B.S mathematics and i work as a math teacher in a private school and completing teaching diploma.
I play football in the Lebanese league in many teams

Monday, March 26, 2018

Global warming

Global warming is a term used for the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system and its related effects.

 Scientists are more than 95% certain that nearly all of global warming is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and other   human caused emissions

Our atmosphere is getting hotter, more turbulent, and more unpredictable because of the “boiling and churning” effect caused by the heat-trapping greenhouse gases within the upper layers of our atmosphere. With each increase of carbon, methane, or other greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere, our local weather and global climate is further agitated, heated, and “boiled.”

Global warming is gauged by the increase in the average global temperature of the Earth. Along with our currently increasing average global temperature, some parts of the Earth may actually get colder while other parts get warmer hence the idea of average global temperature. Greenhouse gas-caused atmospheric heating and agitation also increase the unpredictability of the weather and climate, and dramatically increase the severity, scale, and frequency of storms, droughts, wildfires, and extreme temperatures

Electricity is most often generated at a power station by electromechanical generators, primarily driven by heat engines fueled by combustion or nuclear fission but also by other means such as the kinetic energy of flowing water and wind. Other energy sources include solar photovoltaics and geothermal power

so electricity have many uses that facilitate our life such as Uses of electricity in the home. ... By separating electricity use into different end uses we can see where the major demand for electricity is in  homes, factories, work. Air conditioning is a big user, so are lighting, water heating and refrigeration.

The strategic importance of electrification. Electricity is the most versatile and easily controlled form of energy. ... Electricity is weightless, easier to transport and distribute, and it represents the most efficient way of consuming energy.

Healthy Mind In Healthy Body

A key goal of mind-body techniques is achieving an overall approach to life known as stress hardiness. 
Stress hardiness is associated with four important personality traits that buffer the impact of stress and improve coping. 
To maximize emotional well-being and the ability to make positive changes that help you get rid of the stress that makes many of internal problem :
  • Healthy Mind, Healthy Body                               
  • New Thoughts, New Behaviors
  • Taking Charge of Stress
  • Listening and Being Heard
  •      Managing Your Moods
Mind-body medicine originated more than 4,000 years ago, when physicians noticed that illness often followed periods of frustration in their patients’ lives. Today i societies like the   medical professionals also share the view that emotions, life events, and coping skills can have a very strong influence on health. Healthy mind-body medicine is now part of exciting new fields

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Rules Of Football

Rules Of Football

The rules of football can be complex and vary depending on the level of play. We will cover some of the basics here including the field, players.

Football Field 
The football field is 120 yards long and 53 ½ yards wide. At each end of the field and 100 yards apart are the goal lines. The additional 10 yards at each end is the end zone. The field is divided up every 5 yards by a yard line. The middle yard line marker is called the 50 yard line. In parallel to the side lines are rows of hash marks. The football is always placed on or between the hash marks at the start of each play. This ensures that the teams have space to line up on both sides of the football.


Football Players 
The rules in football allow each team to have eleven players on the field at a time. Teams may substitute players between plays with no restrictions. Each team must start a play on their side of the ball.

The defensive players may take any position they want and can move about their side of the football prior to the play without restriction. Although there are certain defensive positions that have become common over time, there are no specific rules defining defensive positions or roles.

Social media Vs Students

   Social media Vs Students

  Social media has been criticized a lot due to the effect it has on the way students produce and retain information. 
Some parents are of the opinion that social media can be very distracting and harmful for students. On the contrary, social media offers plenty of opportunities for learning and interaction. It is rather simple to see how students benefit from social media. By using technology in classrooms, the young generation is paving a new way of education and learning.
 Students are getting to explore and experience the world not only by books and assignments; but also by adapting a new form of communication. 
In a world where your networks and connections are important, graduates enter the workplaces with a lot more to offer.

Aims Of Education

Aims Of  Education

There are conflicting ideas about the aims or purposes of education. These disagreements have existed since early times, relative to philosophical stands, so these are some of the aims of education For example:

Prosocial Values: To train students for responsible  prepare them for adulthood through socializing them in the  values of society. Teachers, who symbolize authority to the child, emphasize the values of a normal society, such as , honesty, cooperation, competitiveness, and moral responsibility.

Economic Competitiveness (social efficiency): To provide students with skills and knowledge needed to be competitive in a global economy; become an effective and efficient work force; and prepare workers with values and socialization needed for communicating with others

Personal Growth: To help students find self-fulfillment, personal relevance, clarification of personal values, communication and self-expression skills, and development of effective learning styles. Student interests and feelings are emphasized. The curriculum is created collaboratively between teachers and students to help students reach their potential.

Problem Solving: To teach students how to learn through the development of thinking,  and study skills so that they become excellent problem solvers and creative thinkers who are capable of dealing with change. all of this reflects positively in change the society

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Motivating Students To Read And Write

Motivating students to read and write

At the beginning most of the teacher may suffer from the same problem which is the have kids did not want to do anything but they want to write on their mentor , seeing these kids who have lost hope in learning want to participate that’s invaluable
It is an opportunity to write and share themselves without judgment…they talk about their mentors as their best friends  that they have known for years these kids normally shut down with learning but they are asking to write their mentors.
As a result for this problem intrinsic motivation is found which is the desire to do something for its own sake just because its interesting fun and satisfying in itself also intrinsic motivation yields a higher level of engagement than extrinsic  motivation such as: grades, money, and stickers.
Extrinsic motivation can actually undermine intrinsic motivation while the research show that intrinsic motivation is depend on 3 psychological need which are autonomy and competence and relatedness

 presented by: Laura Woodside


fractions "The question on the mind of many students, and I might add parents, is why do I need fractions anyway? Is it really that...